What is VORK?
VORK is a human resourcing and opportunity-exchange platform that enables users to create employment and volunteering activities for all kinds of workers (formal and informal), students and even retirees.
What does the name VORK stand for?
VORK is a portmanteau of the words ‘volunteer’ and ‘work‘.
I did not receive my verification code. How do I complete my registration?
To complete your registration, visit https://web.myvork.com and log in using your username (email or phone number) and password provided during initial registration. On the Code Verification screen, click “Resend Code” to receive a new OTP and successfully finalize your registration.
Note: You are not required to re-register.
Is VORK free to use?
Creating an account and opportunities on VORK are absolutely free. Note: Certain in-app transactions may attract charges. See Terms of Use.
On what platforms can a user access VORK?
On mobile, the VORK application is available on both IOS and Android. It is also accessible via the Web using any suitable browser.
What are Volunteer Hours (VHs)?
Volunteer hours are the duration or manhours an individual spends on a project or an activity. Users of VORK are ‘rewarded’ by the organiser after the successful completion of the project.
What kind of volunteering opportunities are available on VORK?
VORK offers a limitless range of volunteer activities. Users are encouraged to create impactful activities within their community. Examples include communal sanitation projects, donations, festival coordination, afforestation, and more.
How many projects can a user create or apply to?
The number of volunteering projects one can create or apply to is unlimited. However, we recommend that you apply to activities suitable to your schedule and in close proximity, to avoid logistical challenges.
How do I track my Volunteer Hours?
Volunteer Hours (VH) are accumulated and displayed in your job history(mobile) or on your dashboard(web). A participant is credited with the VHs by the organiser after the completion of an activity or a project.
What is the search radius for volunteering activities?
10km by default. To participate in activities beyond the default range, the organiser will have to share a copy of the activity link with you to enable your application.
Can I apply for multiple jobs at the same time?
Yes. A user can apply to multiple job opportunities at the same time. However, we recommend that your competencies or skills match the job you are applying for in order to be shortlisted.
What is the search radius for finding Quick Jobs?
By default, the search radius for Quick Jobs is set to 5km. This local focus ensures that opportunities are easily accessible to workers within their immediate communities. However, job seekers have the flexibility to expand the radius in the filter menu to explore additional opportunities beyond their proximity.
Are there only casual (quick) jobs on VORK?
For version 1, yes. Additional features for creating and applying for part-time and permanent jobs will be available in version 2 of the product.
Can I delete a job no longer required?
Yes. This feature is on the web platform. Go to the side menu and follow the sequence: Postings > Edit > Remove Post.
How is my job rating calculated?
Your rating is calculated based on the average score on the following parameters: Expertise, Work Ethic, Professionalism and Customer Service. The scores are awarded by an employer after successfully completing a job.
Can I pay a worker via the VORK wallet?
At the moment, this feature is not accessible to all users. Payments should be made in cash or through the user’s preferred method. However, for the platform’s data integrity and accuracy, please remember to enter the final payment amount in the job closure screen when the job is completed.
When will the VORK wallet be activated?
The wallet will be available to users in version 3 of the application.
Are all VORK users verified?
Users of VORK are partially verified via their phone numbers. In subsequent versions, VORK will require all users to upload their identification documents to be fully verified on the platform.
Can unverified users create or apply for either a volunteering activity or a job?
Yes. However, we implore all users to be vigilant when dealing with other users. Report any suspicion of fraudulent activity through our Help Center for immediate action.
How is PAYE (tax) calculated?
Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), also known as income taxes, is legally required for all work performed. For casual work, such as Quick Jobs, Ghanaian law mandates employers to withhold 5% of the total earnings for each job. VORK offers a service that calculates and tracks your tax liabilities. However, it is the responsibility of the employer to settle and file taxes with the appropriate authority.
Can I pay my taxes directly from the VORK wallet?
Unfortunately, you cannot. This service is not yet available for users. As such, all taxes will have to be paid directly to the Revenue Authority.
Is my location shared with others?
Your precise location remains private and is not shared with other app users. The purpose of collecting your location is to calculate the distance between you and available opportunities. However, when you apply for a job, the issuer will receive an approximate location of your whereabouts.